Vưu Khánh Linh Huỳnh 1,, Quốc Bản Tạ 2, Thị Thu Phước Lê2, Thị Nữ Nguyễn 2, Đức Định Vũ 2
1 vinmec hospital
2 Vinmec hospital

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Objectives: To determine the prevalence of anemia, iron deficiency anemia and some influencing factors in pregnant women who come for the first prenatal check-up at Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital in 2021-2022. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study. Results: The total number of pregnant women eligible for the study was 206 in which the rate of anemia was 14.6%, of which iron deficiency anemia accounted for 4.9%. The group with a gestational age of more than 27 weeks has a risk of iron deficiency anemia 39.56 times higher than the group under 27 weeks. The vegetarian group had a 38.6 times greater risk of anemia than the group with a normal diet. Conclusions: For the group of pregnant women visiting for the first time at Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital, it is necessary to survey and evaluate anemia and iron deficiency anemia in order to plan support, advice and treatment. guaranteed to raise the amount of Hb to the allowable level.

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