Thị Ngọc Ánh Nguyễn 1,, Văn Hùng Nguyễn 1, Thị Tố Quyên Nguyễn 1, Văn Vương Ngô 1, Thị Thanh Nga Vũ 1, Đức Thuận Trần1
1 Health Strategy And Policy Institute

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Objective: To assess the current situation and analyze the factors related to the implementation of periodical health check-ups (PHC) in the elderly. Method: A cross-sectional descriptive study on 1722 elderly from 6 provinces and cities with high percentage of elderly representing 6 socio-economic regions. At the same time, collect information from statistical forms and qualitative interviews from departments and units. Results: 55/63 cities approved the Elderly Health Care Program, which includes the content of PHC, but implementation activities are still very formal. The percentage of  Elderly having a PHC was 19.405% with mainly clinical examination. Conclusion: Completing the legal basis such as developing an examination package suitable for the elderly; arranging sustainable funding sources; develop a system of indicators to measure and monitor activities so that PHC activities for the elderly are improved in both quantity and quality.

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