Dương Hồng Vũ 1,, Trần Thanh Hoàng 2
1 Da Dong Eye Hospital
2 Ha Dong Eye Hospital

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Purpose: To study the change of intraocular pressure after PHACO surgery in patients with primary angle-closure glaucoma in Ha Dong Eye Hospital. Subjects and methods: A prospective clinical intervention study was carried out at the General Department, Ha Dong Eye Hospital from August 2022 to August 2023. The study subjects were patients diagnosed with primary angle-closure glaucoma that matched the selection criteria. Results: Studying in 42 eyes on 32 patients, the number of female patients was 26, accounting for 81.25% and 6 male patients (18.75%). The average age of the study subjects was 70.55 ± 8.28, with the majority being over 60 years old (95.2%). Out of the 42 eyes studied, 36 eyes did not require additional intraocular pressure medication (85.71%), while the remaining 6 eyes required additional intraocular pressure medication and no further surgical was performed during follow-up. After surgery, visual acuity increased on average 0.26 ± 0.17 (p<0.01). The parameters of anterior chamber were also significantly improved: The central anterior chamber depth increased from 2.14 ± 0.32 mm to 3.42 ± 0.32 mm, the mean angle opening measured before surgery from 11.25 ± 3.52° increased to 35.68 ± 1. 3.17°. Postoperative complications are usually mild, such as corneal edema accounting for 7/42 (16.67%), only 1 case had posterior capsule break during surgery. Conclusions: Cases of primary angle-closure glaucoma are treated by phaco in place to achieve stable low intraocular pressure with a high success rate, safety, and good anatomical and function results.

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