Quang Trí Trịnh , Văn Tập Nguyễn , Hải Hà Vũ , Xuân Trang Trịnh , Thị Ngọc Lê

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Objective: Evaluate the effectiveness of practical intervention to prevent refractive errors in Khmer ethnic primary school students. Methods: Controlled community intervention research design was conducted on 515 Khmer ethnic students at Luong Hoa C primary school, Chau Thanh district, Tra Vinh province (intervention group) and 572 Khmer ethnic students at B Chau Lang primary school, Tri Ton district, An Giang province (control group) from August 2019 to May 2020. Results: In the intervention group, students' poor practices decreased after 1 year of intervention (p < 0.05): Close reading distance (< 30 cm) decreased from 52.6% to 12.4 %, not resting your eyes and looking at natural light while studying decreased from 39.4% to 10.7%, incorrect sitting posture while writing decreased from 86.6% to 32.6%, inactivity in outdoor sports decreased from 27.6% to 10.3%. In the control group, there was almost no difference in students' poor practices after 1 year (p > 0.05). Conclusion: Communication to prevent refractive errors in schools needs to be carried out more frequently, in diverse forms suitable for students of each distinct grade level.

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