Thị Thu Hà Lê1,, Hoàng Oanh Lê2, Nguyên Trung Võ 1,3, Trần Duy Vũ 2, Quốc Việt Võ 2
1 University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City
2 Cho Ray hospital
3 University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City hospital

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Introduction: Platelet preparations are commonly used to stop bleeding in patients with low platelet counts, as platelets play a vital role in hemostasis. It is important to assess platelet mass quality and monitor the hematological parameters of platelet donors that may change after separation, in order to enhance the quality of donated platelets and ensure the safety of blood donors. Objectives: 1. This study aims to compare the hematological characteristics of platelet donors before and during the donation of platelets, which are separated using a rehydration and leukocyte filtration system. 2. Determination of platelet indexes and residual white blood cells and red blood cells in the apheresis platelet mass from the apheresis system with leukocyte filtration and fluid replacement. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted at the Blood Transfusion Center of Cho Ray Hospital from November 2022 to May 2023. The study included 134 platelet donors, and the platelets were separated using an AmiCORE platelet separator with leukocyte filtration and rehydration. Results: The results indicated that most parameters, such as WBC, RBC, HCT, HGB, and MPV, showed an increase of 6.7%, 4.1%, 2.8%, 3.0%, and 11.1%, respectively, after 15 minutes of separation compared to before separation. However, the MCV and PLT ratios decreased by 0.1% and 37% and MCH, MCHC index did not change the ratio, respectively, after 15 minutes of separation. The average Platelet Block volume was 500.96 ± 6.72 ml. The average platelet density was 1290.51 ± 106.94 x 103/uL. Platelet count per unit with an average of 646.02 ± 48.39 x 109/unit. The average number of WBC per unit is 0.22 ± 0.13 x 109/unit.The median number of RBC in the apheresis platelet mass was 0.005 with an interquartile range of 0.004 – 0.009 x 1012/unit. The parameters of platelet mass volume and platelet density ensure platelet mass quality standards according in Circular No. 26/2013-BYT with 134 platelet masses achieving, accounting for 100%, and for platelet count, there are 125. Platelet mass achieved, accounting for 93.3%. Conclusion: The hematological parameters of platelet donors, such as WBC, RBC, HCT, HGB, and MPV, showed an increase, respectively, after 15 minutes of separation compared to before separation. However, the MCV and PLT ratios decreased and MCH, MCHC index did not change the ratio, respectively, after 15 minutes of separation.  PLT per unit of double platelet kit meets quality standards according to  Circular No. 26/2013/TT-BYT guiding blood transfusion activitives at a rate of 93,3%. Besides, the number of WBC remaining in the double platelet kit were 0.22 ± 0.13 x 109/unit and the number of RBC is very low.

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