Lệ Linh Trần 1,, Đức Minh Đỗ 1, Huỳnh Thị Cẩm Hồng Lê2, Trung Sơn Huỳnh 1, Lê An Phạm 1
1 University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City
2 Queensland university

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Objective: To investigate the correlation between alveolar macrophage carbon and exposure factors of traffic air pollution in children aged 13-14 years in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC). Research design: Descriptive cross-sectional study. Objects and methods: 80 children aged 13-14 in 2 schools of HCMC. Alveolar Macrophages (AMs) were extracted from sputum samples induced with hypertonic saline. Using ImageJ software*, the carbon amount of 50 AMs per subject was quantified. Exposure factors and respiratory symptoms were investigated using ISAAC** questionnaires. Results: Thirty standardized sputum samples were collected, each contained at least 50 AMs per participant. The median carbon amount in macrophages was 0,294 (0,149 – 1,092). Eighty-seven percent of the participants utilized modes of conveyance such as motorcycles, bicycles, or walking. Thirty-six percent of children had wheezing symptoms and 53% had airway diseases. In addition, 90% of participants reported daily use of facemasks, with 70% using either a nylon or paper mask. There was a positive correlation between exposure time of traffic air pollution and AMs (R=0,01, p <0,001). Conclusions: There was a positive correlation between exposure factors and alveolar macrophages.

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