Tấn Đạt Châu1,, Thanh Vũ Lê2
1 Ca Mau General Hospital
2 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Background: Cancer is increasing and becoming a concern of many people. Objective: Determining the rate of cancer types, disease stages, treatment methods and factors related to late treatment of cancer at the Oncology Department of Ca Mau General Hospital in 2022-2023. Materials and methods: All cancer patients were admitted for inpatient treatment at the Oncology Department of Ca Mau General Hospital from July 2022 to July 2023. Prospective descriptive study. The study sample size was 1,233 patients, using total population sampling method. Results: The most common types of cancer in both sexes were colorectum (20.11%); breast (19.55%); lung (9.81%); liver (9.16%); thyroid (7.70%); stomach (6.08%). Stage III-IV cancer accounted for 69.83%. Monotherapy treatment was the majority (57.91%). There were 7 independent predictors of late treatment of cancer, including: Correct conception of cancer; Knowledge of cancer; Male gender; Education ≤ High school; Patient's anxiety and fear; Patient's delay in treatment; Late diagnosis of medical facilities. Conclusion: The most common types of cancer at the Oncology Department of Ca Mau General Hospital were colorectum; breast; lung; liver; thyroid. Late-stage cancer (III-IV) was quite high. Monotherapy treatment was the majority. The two factors that had the greatest impact on the late treatment of cancer were the patient's delay in treatment and the late diagnosis of the medical facilities.

Article Details


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