Văn Khanh Trần1, Trung Sơn Huỳnh2, Thanh Toàn Lê2, Lê An Phạm2,
1 Le Van Thinh Hospital
2 Ho Chi Minh City University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Family Medicine is a solution to help improve the quality of primary healthcare service delivery in Vietnam. Developing a family medicine practice system that integrates into the Vietnamese health system is an urgent need for specialized training and is a support basis for granting family medicine practice certificates. In two stages, an investigation of the current situation of building a model of family medicine practice and a cross-sectional description were carried out. Stage 1: Conducting research on family healthcare policies in medical examination and treatment; Stage 2: Building the model and initially evaluating it through disease pattern, patient management, and patient satisfaction. District 2 Hospital successfully built a model of Family medicine practice. The clinic, initially contributing to solving the need for medical examination and treatment of people, has a legal foundation and enough human resources with four examination tables and 16 licensed doctors. During the study period, 8.8% of patients visited the clinic. Among 25,781 patients who visited the clinic, the proportion of patients who used health insurance and paid additional service costs was 99.6%, with 0.4% using solely health insurance. The disease pattern revealed that most are non-communicable. People are satisfied when visiting the clinic. The district-level family medicine practice model was successfully established, incorporating it into the Vietnamese health system and being a foundation for teaching and practicing care and treating health problems for individuals and families. The model has generated satisfaction and earned people’s trust.

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