Thị Hà Nguyễn1,, Ngọc Tâm Nguyễn2,3, Viết Lực Trần2,3, Thị Thanh Huyền Vũ2,3
1 Quang Ninh Provincial General Hospital
2 Central Geriatric Hospital

Main Article Content


Objective: To describe the status of physical function decline in elderly patients with primary knee osteoarthritis. Subjects and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 193 elderly patients with primary knee osteoarthritis examined and treated at the National Geriatric Hospital. Participants were assessed for their decline in physical function based on the physical function rating scale. Short Physical Performance Battery – SPPB. Results: 83.9% of the studied cases had physical impairment according to SPPB; in which 21.8% of cases have impaired daily functioning of ADL and 49.2% have functional impairment with IADL aids. In addition, old age increases the risk of physical decline 1.1 times and the percentage of women with reduced physical function is 3.2 times higher than that of men with p<0.05. Conclusion: The majority of elderly patients with primary osteoarthritis have reduced physical function and daily activities. The degree of physical function decline was statistically significantly related to age and sex.

Article Details


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