Thị Thi Thơ Nguyễn1,, Văn Đình Trần1, Ngọc Hà Tạ1, Thị Hồng Dương1, Minh Khuê Tạ1, Lê Tuấn Anh Đoàn1, Văn Hiếu Lê1, Công Luật Nguyễn1, Lan Hương Đào2
1 Central Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology
2 World Bank in Vietnam

Main Article Content


Objectives: The study was conducted with the aim of describing the current situation and some difficulties in the management of treatment of hypertension, diabetes at commune health stations in 13 provinces in 2022. Methods: The study applied a cross-sectional descriptive research method, combining quantitative and qualitative research at district health centers and commune health stations in 13 provinces in our country from October 2022 to April 2023. Results: The results show that the rate of implementation of management of hypertension and diabetes at CHSs in 13 provinces of Vietnam is 88.6% and 43.9%, respectively. However, the implementation is not uniform in the evaluated provinces. Some difficulties faced by CHSs when implementing management of hypertension and diabetes treatment include: lack of essential drugs (72.5%), frequently changed drugs (65.0%), lack of essential equipment (64.2%). In addition, CHSs also face difficulties in health insurance payment, lack of encouragement mechanism to CHSs to implement this activity. Conclusion: Nearly 90% of commune health stations in the province have implemented management and treatment of hypertension, but only 44% of commune health stations have implemented diabetes management and treatment. Commune health stations still face many difficulties in implementing the management and treatment of hypertension and diabetes. Provinces should soon have appropriate interventions to enhance the implementation of this activity to achieve the goal of NCDs management and treatment at commune health stations according to Decision 155/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister.

Article Details


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