Nguyễn Ái Nương Trần1,, Thụy Khánh Linh Trần1, Thị Cẩm Lệ Nguyễn1, Thị Vạn Hòa Trần1
1 Children's Hospital 1

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Objectives: Assessment of nursing competency of pediatric nurses after orientation course at Children's hospital 1. Subjects and methods: a cross-sectional description on 86 nurses at Children's hospital 1. from June 1, 2021 to June 1, 2022. Results: 5.8% of the nurses met all competency criteria. Competency to practice care has 13.95% of nurses; Management competency and professional development have 29.07% of nurses; Competence to practice according to law and professional ethics has 82.56% of nurses. The mean score of competency standards of the nursing group in 2020 before the course (28.43 ± 12.67) was raised after completing the training course (44.56 ± 6.47) with p < 0,01. The nurse group's mean competency score in 2020 (44.56 ± 6.47) and the manager nurse assess (42.22 ± 7.23) were lower but not statistically significant with p=0.13. Conclusion: The pediatric nursing orientation training at Children's Hospital 1 has had good results in improving nursing competency. Maintain and develop this necessary training program.

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