Ngọc Bích Nguyễn1,, Thanh Phong Huỳnh2
2 Vinh Long Center for Disease Control

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Heat stress while using protective clothes might pose negative impact on productivity, health outcome and safety of workers. This study was conducted to describe situation of heat stress while wearing COVID – 19 protective clothes among district health workers in Vinh Long province in 2021. A cross sectional study was conducted in 416 district health workers in 08 district health centers. The study was conducted from June 2021 to March 2022 using self administered questionnaire on perception of workers about their heat stress, the questionnaire was adopted from survey of Davey S. Results show that 86.8% health workers had heat stress, 100% of workers could not stand the heat while wearing protective clothes to prevent COVID – 19 at work. 92.3% of health workers reported unconfortable situations. It was recommended that district health centers should provide adequate number of protective clothes so that workers can have break during the working time. Work tasks should also be assigned adequately base on health situation of workers. Measures to reduce heat stress should also be conducted.

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