Anh Trâm Quế1,, Trung Kiên Nguyễn1
1 Nghe An General Friendship Hospital

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Objective: To evaluate the compliance with routine hand hygiene practices and the actual status of facilities related to routine hand hygiene by medical staff when taking care of and treating patients in clinical departments. Subjects and research methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study. Research subjects are medical staff at Nghe An General Friendship Hospital. Results: Over time studying the compliance rate of routine hand hygiene of medical staff in clinical departments of Nghe An General Friendship Hospital from January 2022 to September 2022, we found that compliance rate of hand hygiene practice of health workers reached 66.5%. The method of hand hygiene with alcohol/alcohol solution accounts for a high percentage (98.4%) and the 6-step hand hygiene process, most medical staff, students, and students only perform the first 3 steps. ratio: Step 1 (98.75%), step 2 (93.7%), step 3 (78.45). Conclusion: The study results show that the rate of handwashing compliance and understanding of medical staff is not uniform between departments and medical staff, to enhance handwashing compliance and understanding of medical staff. For medical staff, the department needs to build a monitoring team and develop a plan to strengthen hand washing. Means of hand hygiene are deployed by the departments and arranged quite adequately on injection trucks, dressing changing vehicles, and patient rooms. However, it is necessary to implement additional arrangements at patient beds and in laboratories where there is a shortage of hand sanitizers and hand towels.

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