Minh An Nguyễn1,, Văn Mạnh Nguyễn2
1 Hanoi Medical College
2 Nam Dinh University of Nursing

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Objective: To evaluate factors related to self-care practice of heart failure patient at Thai Binh Provincial General Hospital in 2022. Methods: Cross-sectional description on 120 heart failure patient were treated at Thai Binh Provincial General Hospital in 2022. Results: Gender had no relationship with self-care practice with p = 0.606; Education level was related to self-care practice with p = 0.001; Living situation was related to self-care practice with p = 0.021; Occupation was related to self-care practice with p = 0.001; Comorbidities was related to self-care practice with p = 0.001; Knowledge of heart failure was related to self-care practice with p = 0.0001 and r = 0.822. Conclusion: Research results showed that factors such as knowledge about heart failure, education level, living situation and occupation were related to self-care practice of heart failure patients treated at Thai Binh Provincial General Hospital in 2022.

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