Thị Sen Đặng1,, Thị Thu Huyền Nguyễn1,2, Tiến Dũng Nguyễn1,2
1 Thai Nguyen Central Hospital
2 University of Medicine and Pharmacy - Thai Nguyen University

Main Article Content


Objectives: Description of the results of Bismuth quadruple therapy in treatment gastroduodenal ulcers Helicobacter pylori resistant to previous eradication and analysis of factors related to treatment results. Subject and methods: A prospective study on 51 patients with gastroduodenal ulcers infected with Helicobacter pylori who experienced previous treatment failure at Thai Nguyen national hospital from September 2022 to June 2023. Results: The findings showed that the effectiveness of the Helicobacter pylori eradication regimen was 92,2%. Besides, the clinical symptoms all improved after treatment. The endoscopic images of gastroduodenal ulcers also showed that the patients improved clearly, the rate of good scar healing was as high as 84,3%. Low rates of undesirable side effects from the regimen account are associate with symptoms. The good compliance was 94,1%. Conclusions: Nowadays, Bismuth quadruple therapy is still effective in curing Helicobacter pylori infection resistant to previous eradication.

Article Details


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