Bá Ngọc Nguyễn 1, Ngọc Thắng Phạm 1, Sỹ Triều Nguyễn 1, Ngọc Bình Thái 1,
1 103 Military Hospital

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Objectives: Evaluation of result treatment of close distal tibia fracture by locking plate fixation. Comments on surgical method and risks influence to results. Subjects: 37 patients (24 males, 13 females), from 18 to 74 ages, average 47,81 ± 13,7; diagnosed with the distal tibia fracture and fibula fracture or not. Were treated by locking plate osteosynthesis at Military Hospital 103 from October 2018 to May 2023. Methods: Prospective, clinical trials without control group, cross-sectional description combined with longitudinal follow-up. Patients with surgical method by ORIF for both distal tibia and fibula bones or only ORIF distal tibia. Results: Evaluation of result treatment by Johner và Wruhs score. 100% patients bone healing. Far result  in 26 patients after surgery: excellent 76,9%, good 15,4%. Average 7,7%. Conclusions: Locking plate fixation is good method surgical treatment of distal tibia fracture.

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