Xuân Hướng Hà1,, Chiến Trần 1, Văn Dung Hoàng 1, Thế Anh Nguyễn 2, Ngọc Sinh Nguyễn 2
1 Thai Nguyen University Of Medicine And Pharmacy
2 Thai nguyen cental hospital

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Objectives: Assess the outcomes of All-inside ACL reconstruction with tendon allografts at Thai Nguyen National Hospital. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study on 45 patients with ACL lesions who underwent All-inside ACL reconstruction with tendon allografts at Thai Nguyen National Hospital from January 2020 to January 2023. Results: 45 patients, including 30 males (66,7%), 15 females (33,3%). The mean age was 33,15 ± 8,78, the lowest was 18 and the highest was 50; sports injuries (40%), traffic accidents (31,1%). The average Lysholm scores of patients preoperatively was 53,62 ± 7,94 points. The average length of the grafts was 60,00 ± 0,73 mm, the shortest was 58 mm and the longest was 62 mm. The average diameter of the grafts was 8,68 ± 0,65 mm. Results of re-examination 6 months postoperatively: Lachman and Pivot Shift tests were negative and 95.6% of patients were negative with the Anterior Drawer test. Knee functions according to Lysholm: excellent (62,2%) and good (37,8%). Knee joint stability according to IKDC, type A (71,1 %), type B (28,9 %). Conclusion: Arthroscopic reconstruction of the Anterior cruciate ligament of the knee with an allograft tendon graft using an All-inside technique at Thai Nguyen National Hospital initially testified to safety, and greatly improved knee function. Tendon allograft is an option for surgeons in an ACL reconstruction.

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