Thị Duyên Đỗ 1,, Trung Chính Vũ 1
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Thyroid disorders is the most common endocrine gland disease. Research investigate 1967 patients of thyroid diseases from 1 avril to 31 jun 2023 in Phan Chu Trinh clinic, the results as follows: There are 66.3% patients periodic heath examination, 28% patients having symtoms. Rate women/man is 5/1. 121 thyroid cancers detected by ultrasound or fine needle biopsy, rate is 11.9%. In the group of patients having symptoms (nodule felt through the skin on the neck, difficulty swallowing or loss voice), thyroid cancer rate is high (range 6.8% - 12.5% - 25.6%). Highest thyroid cancer rate is group of age from 30 to 40 years old, 38/379 patients (10%). In the group having thyroid cancer familial history, cancer rate is 18% (30/167 patients)

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