Trọng Nghĩa Võ1,, Văn Trầm Tạ2
1 Tra Vinh University
2 Tien Giang Provincial General Hospital

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Introduction: Human resources in the health system are an extremely important component in providing quality health services. Objective: analyze some factors affecting human resource management at Tien Giang Provincial General Hospital. Methods: the study was conducted at Tien Giang Provincial General Hospital from January to December 2023, using cross-sectional descriptive method, quantitative research combined with qualitative. Quantitative data is processed using excel software, qualitative information is processed and analyzed according to each topic. Results: factors that positively affect human resource management at the hospital include the province's human resource attraction policy in resolution No. 23/2016/NQ-HDND; Policies to attract human resources as well as support training of the hospital; Human resource management software supports improving work efficiency; good colleague relationships. Factors that have a negative impact include a few policies and laws that negatively affect staff training and evaluation; Challenges for human resource management due to the development of science and technology; competition from other hospitals inside and outside the province. Conclusion: Hospitals should develop a checklist with clear, specific employee evaluation criteria for each position; develop a process for evaluating training effectiveness; increase the level of training funding support for staff assigned to training according to the hospital's plan; There are solutions to increase additional income for employees.

Article Details


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