Hải Công Nguyễn 1,, Minh Thế Nguyễn 1, Công Trường Nguyễn 1, Thành Trung Nguyễn 1, Thị Thu Lan Lê1
1 Military Hospital 175

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Objectives: This study aimed to identify key clinical and subclinical characteristics of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and bacterial co-infections treated at Military Hospital 175. Subjects and Methods: We conducted a prospective, cross-sectional study involving 80 patients diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis. These patients received treatment at the Department of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, Military Hospital 175, between January 2022 and May 2023. The study cohort comprised two groups: one with 40 patients having pulmonary tuberculosis alone and the other with 40 patients having pulmonary tuberculosis with co-infections. Results: Among the pulmonary tuberculosis patients, 78.8% had co-morbidities, with those having bacterial co-infections exhibiting a higher prevalence of co-morbidities compared to those without co-infections. Notably, dry cough (65%) and lung crackles (58%) were more frequently observed in the co-infection group than in the non-co-infection group. Additionally, patients with co-infections had significantly elevated white blood cell (WBC) and neutrophil counts. C-reactive protein (CRP) levels in the blood were increased in both groups, but they were notably higher in the co-infection group. Conversely, blood albumin levels were lower in the co-infection group. Large-area lung lesions were more prevalent in the co-infected group (90%). On average, patients with co-infections had a longer treatment duration (13.7±1.2 days) compared to those without co-infections (9±1.8 days). Conclusion: In summary, pulmonary tuberculosis patients with co-infections exhibited a higher rate of co-morbidities, a greater occurrence of dyspnea and lung crackles, elevated neutrophil counts, higher CRP levels, more extensive lung lesions, and a longer duration of treatment compared to those without co-infections.

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