Duy Hà Nguyễn1,, Thái Sơn Nguyễn1, Đình Tới Chu2, Quỳnh Uyển Nguyễn2, Văn Vinh Hoàng2
1 Military Medical University

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Objective: The effects of BaciMix preparation on some biochemical, immunological, and immune parameters in a rat model for 28 days were evaluated. Subjects and methods: Rats continuously used BaciMix preparation at the dose of 1.68 × 109 CFU/kg body weight and 8.4 × 109 CFU/kg body weight for 28 days. Biochemical (AST, ALT, creatinine, bilirubin), hematological (red blood cells, hemoglobin, white blood cells, platelets), and immunological (IgA, IL6, TNF-a) indices were analyzed from sera and tissues. The liver, kidney, and spleen in the rats were observed under microscope to evaluate damage on these organs. Results: BaciMix preparation did not affect the biochemical and hematological indices in the sera of rats. However it reduced IL6 and TNF- a indices in the sera of rats, and increasead IgA index in the sera and intestinal mucosae of the rats after use the BaciMix preparation for 28 days. Microscopic observation of the liver, kidney, and spleen showed no damage to the organs. Conclusion: Bacimix preparation did not affect the biochemical, hematological indices, and microscopic structure of the liver, kidney, and spleen of rats. In addition, BaciMix preparation showed the stimulation effect on the rat's immune response by adjusting some cytokine indices and IgA in the sera and intestinal mucosae of rats.

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