Quang Vinh Trương1,, Thị Hồng Lưu2, Đức Phấn Trần2
1 University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Hanoi National University

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Objective: Evaluating the value of prenatal screening to detect trisomy 13, trisomy 18, and trisomy 21 in Thanh Khe district - Da Nang and Bien Hoa city - Dong Nai. Subjects and methodology: Cross-sectional descriptive study on pregnant women with gestational age from 11 weeks to 13 weeks and 6 days had a double test and pregnant women with a gestational age from 15 weeks to 22 weeks had a triple test at the above research location. Results: The high-risk detection rate is mainly from maternal serum testing, overall for Thanh Khe - Da Nang and Bien Hoa with double test is 10.24%, with triple test is 11.15%. The overall high risk rate according to maternal age for the 2 localities for pregnant women with double test is 8.36%, for pregnant women with triple test is 11.15%. The high risk rate according to ultrasound in the first 3 months is 1.32%. Fetal ultrasound effectiveness: in Thanh Khe - Da Nang: detecting morphologically abnormal fetuses through ultrasound is 1.43%. The rate of pregnant women having a fetal ultrasound is 99.52%; In Bien Hoa: detecting abnormal fetal morphology through ultrasound is 0.78%. The rate of pregnant women having a fetal ultrasound is 99.79%. Efficiency of prenatal diagnosis: in Thanh Khe: The rate of detecting chromosomal abnormalities is 6.25%; in Bien Hoa: The detection rate of aneuploidy is 3.88%. Conclusion: For reducing pregnancy abnormalities and birth defects, it is necessary to systematically implement prenatal screening measures. For dioxin hotspots like Da Nang and Bien Hoa, it is necessary to have measures to prevent birth defects and properly implement prenatal screening and diagnosis.

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