Hoài Nam Trần1,, Chiến Trần2
1 Bac Ninh Provincial General Hospital
2 Thai Nguyen Central Hospital

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Background: Spinal cord injury (CTCS) of the thoracolumbar hinge segment is a particularly common injury that accounts for the majority of all thoracic and lumbar spinal injuries. Research objectives: Evaluate the results of surgical treatment for spinal fracture at the thoracic-lumbar hinge segment by pedicle screw placement at Bac Ninh Provincial General Hospital. Subjects and research methodology: Subjects are 60 patients diagnosed with thoracolumbar hinge fractures who underwent spinal fixation surgery with pedicle screws at Bac Ninh General Hospital from January 2021 to June 2023. Study results: The average age in the study was 48.5±10.6. Men accounted for 73.3%, women accounted for 26.7%. The most common cause of the injury is occupational accidents, accounting for 45%. The most commonly injured vertebral disc was L1, accounting for 67.2%. In Denis classification of vertebral fractures, there were 51 cases of vertebral fractures, accounting for 85%; 8 cases of vertebral subsidence, accounting for 13.3%; 1 case of dislocated vertebral fractures, accounting for 1.7%. The vertebral body kyphosis angle and regional kyphosis angle were significantly improved. Treatment results were good (96.6%), fair (1.7%), average (1.7%). Conclusion: Thoracolumbar spine fixation surgery at Bac Ninh General Hospital has proved to be effective with good results. It firmly secures the spine, relieves spinal cord compression and facilitates neurological recovery as well as early movement, mitigating the chance of complications.

Article Details


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