Quang Lịch Nguyễn1, Xuân Bái Nguyễn2,, Thị Nhu Ngô2
1 Thai Binh Eye Hospital
2 Thai Binh University of Medicine and Pharmacy

Main Article Content


Objective: Describe the current situation of eye complications in people with type 2 diabetes in some communes of Thai Binh province. Subject: Patients

with type 2 diabetes in 4 communes of Vu Thu district, Thai Binh province. Methodology: descriptive cross sectional study. Results: The majority of type 2 diabetes patients participating in the study were women, accounting for 61.5%. The majority of research subjects had secondary school education, accounting for 53.6%. The rate of people with type 2 diabetes suffering from at least one eye disease is 77.6%. The rate of type 2 diabetes patients with vision damage is 60.6%. The rate of type 2 diabetes patients with retinopathy is 28.4%.

Article Details


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