Thị Phương Lan Nguyễn1, Mỹ Dung Hồ1,, Minh Phương Vũ1, Hoàng Hà Trịnh1,2
1 University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Hanoi National University
2 Hanoi National University Hospital

Main Article Content


Objective: Survey some morphological indexes and physical activity status of the first-year students of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Viet Nam National University, Hà Nội and some associated factors. Methods: The cross-sectional study was conducted on 313 first-year students at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy, VNU to assess height, weight, BMI, bust, Pignet indexes, and some related factors such as gender, geography, economic conditions, and physical activities. Results and conclusions: The 313 cases included 31% male and 69% female at 18 to 20 years old. In male students: average height 169.9±5.7 cm, average weight 62.3 ± 10.2 kg, mean bust: 82.41±7.4 cm, BMI: 21.6±3.0,

Pignet: 25.2±15.3, female students: average height

157.3 ± 4.7cm, average weight 49.1±7.4 kg, average bust: 77.2 ± 8, 1cm, mean BMI: 19.8 ± 2.7, Pignet:

31.0 ± 13.8. Regarding nutritional status, 57.2% of students had normal BMI, 28.2% of students were in chronic lack of energy, 6.2% were overweight, and 8.5% were obese. Pignet bodybuilding of male students is mainly at a good or strong level while female students are at average and lousy levels. The prevalence of students having a physical activity level consistent with WHO recommendations was 65.2%. The gender factors affected students' nutritional and



physical status, but no association has been found between geographical factors, economic conditions, morphological index, and physical activity.

Article Details


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