Thị Quỳnh Nga Nguyễn1,2,, Thị Nga Phan1, Thị Tâm Vũ1, Quốc Khương Phạm1
2 Central Children's Hospital

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Aim: To review the current status emergency morbidity patterns of neonatal in Ha Nam Province. Subjects of the method:A descriptive study was conducted on 302 patients with emergency conditions treated at Ha Nam Provincial General Hospital from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022, in which 2 cases died, 51 caseswere transferred to the VNCH. Results: The majority of emergency infants were ≤ 1 day old 71.2%, premature were 23.5%. Neonatal emergency patients are mainly patients from the obstetrics department of the Provincial General Hospital 69.5%. The patient's condition on admission was mainly respiratory failure 51%, temperature disturbance 12.9%. The most common pattern of emergency disease at the provincial level was pneumonia 27.5%, followed by neonatal infection 23.5%, premature and comorbidities 20.6%, cardiovascular disease 6,6%, the rate of asphyxia is quite low, only 2%. Results after 1 hour of treatment, 75.2% of emergency cases were stable, but 24.8% remained unchanged, worsened or died.Conclusion: Emergency and mortality are mainly related to preterm birth, infection and pneumonia. Proposing maternal care during pregnancy and improving neonatal life support.

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