Thị Ngọc Hà Chu1, Ngọc Tâm Nguyễn1,2,, Gia Tuyển Đỗ1,3, Thị Việt Hà Đặng1,3, Hữu Dũng Nguyễn3
2 Central Geriatric Hospital
3 Bach Mai Hospital

Main Article Content


Objectives: To determine the proportion of elderly people among people with chronic kidney disease and describe the clinical and subclinical characteristics in the above study group of patients. Subjects and methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study included patients diagnosed with chronic kidney disease by using KDOQI 2002 guidelines. Glomerular filtration rate was calculated a CKD-EPI formula. Results: The study was conducted on 203 patients with chronic kidney disease with a mean age of 56.63

± 15.03. The rate of elderly with chronic kidney disease was 49.3%. The most common causes of chronic kidney disease in the elderly were hypertension and diabetes. There was no difference in clinical and laboratory characteristics in chronic kidney



disease between the group < 60 years old and ≥ 60 years old but there were differences in geriatric features including multiple comorbidities, quality of life, risk of sarcopenia, dementia and risk of depression between the group < 60 years old and ≥ 60 years old. Conclusion: Elderly people with chronic kidney disease are accounted for a relatively high proportion in the study population. A multi-specialty approach is needed to create a comprehensive care strategy that helps manage co-morbidities and improve patient’s quality of life.

Article Details


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