Văn Minh Lâm1,, Thị Phương Thảo Nguyễn2, Thị Tường Vy Trương2, Thu Hà Nguyễn2, Sanh Nga THÀNH2, Thị Thanh Lượng Lương2, Thị Minh Ngọc Nguyễn2
1 Cho Ray Hospital
2 Dong Nai University of Technology

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Background: Every year, the number of sexually transmitted diseases and the consequences of abortions continue to rise. In Vietnam, according to the most recent National Survey on Reproductive Health/Sexual Health by the United Nations Population Fund and the Ministry of Health, only 17.4% of adolescents and young adults understand the correct timing of a woman's fertility, and 25.9% know how to use condoms during sexual intercourse. As a result, many unintended pregnancies occur among adolescents, leading to births at a young age. Therefore, it is essential to assess the level of reproductive health knowledge among this age group. Specifically, in medical students, who are considered the future of society and the white-coated angels for the general public. Objectives: Survey of knowledge and attitudes of students in the health sector at Dong Nai University of Technology on Reproductive Health Care in 2022. Materials and methods: The cross- sectional design includes an analysis of over 93 first- year and final-year undergraduate students majoring in health sciences at Dong Nai University in 2022. Results: Among the 93 first-year and fourth-year regular students majoring in Nursing and Medical Testing at Dong Nai University of Technology, 1.1% (Male) and 21.5% (Female) have participated in research regarding reproductive health knowledge. Based on their academic year, 10.8% (First-year) and 11.8% (Fourth-year)   possess reproductive health




knowledge. The percentage of students with attitudes toward reproductive health is 9.7% (Female) and 2.2% (Male). In the first year, 9.7% have a positive attitude, while in the fourth year, 2.2% do. Among the two majors, Nursing has the highest percentage of students with reproductive health knowledge (8.6%), while Medical Testing has 3.2%. Conclusion: Knowledge; Attitudes; Health science majors; Reproductive health care; Dong Nai University of Technology.

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