Quỳnh Hương Nguyễn 1, Anh Tú Đỗ 1,, Lê Huy Trịnh 2
1 k hospital

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Objective: Describe some clinical and paraclinical characteristics of superficial bladder cancer patients treated with adjuvant intravesical Epirubicin at K hospital. Methods: a cross-sectional study was conducted on 133 patients diagnosed superficial bladder cancer patients who underwent laparoscopic radical cystectomy, determined by post-operative pathology to be urothelial carcinoma, treated adjuvantly with Epirubicin at K Hospital from January 2016 to June 2023. Results: The mean age of the study group was 58.53±12.18. Most patients were men (113/133), accounting for 85.0%; females account for 15.0%. The most common symptoms of hematuria were 72.9%, 21% were pelvic pain, and 18% had painful urination, 11,3% had no symptoms. The time from first symptoms to examination was an average of 2.08 months. Patients with one tumor mainly accounted for 78.2%. 14.3% of patients had tumor size over 3cm. The most common tumor location is the bladder wall right 51.9%, and the least common is the ureteral orifice right 1.5%. The majority of subjects had low histological grade, 60.2%. Mainly in stage Ta (69.2%); 29.3% T1, 1.5% Tis.

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