Thị Thu Hằng Nguyễn1,, Thành Luân Nguyễn1
1 Hai Duong University of Medical Technology

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Objective: To determine the reliability of the 1-minute sit to stand test (1STST) in assessing exercise capacity in COPD patients. Subjects and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive, test – retest analysis of 1STST in 122 COPD patients at 2- time points: at the patient's first visit and after 1 month to evaluate the repeatability and reliability of the test. In addition, at each time-point, subjects repeated the STST test after an interval of time of 30-60 min. Thus, a total of 4 test occasion is scheduled. Results and conclusions: 1STST is a very reliable test to assess exercise capacity in COPD patients, with no learning effect

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