Thanh Hải Phan1, Triều Quân Trang1, Vĩ Khang Trần1, Văn Tín Nguyễn1, Thị Ngọc Nga Phạm1,, Thị Ngọc Tuyền Phan2, Quý An Nguyễn3
1 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy
2 Can Tho City Center for Disease Control
3 Can Tho Medical College

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Background: Although it has existed for a long time, understanding of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community remains limited. Objectives: To investigate the current state of publicly expressed sexual orientation trends among LGBT individuals in Can Tho City. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted on 150 LGBT individuals in the districts of Ninh Kieu, Binh Thuy, and Cai Rang in Can Tho City. Results: Among the participants, 63.3% had publicly expressed their sexual orientation. The level of openness varied across different aspects of their lives, including with family, friends, workplaces, and educational institutions. The highest level of openness was observed with one's partner. Among the 36.7% who had not disclosed their sexual orientation, 34 out of 55 participants (61.8%) were unsure about whether to reveal their orientation or not; 16 out of 55 (29.1%) intended to come out, and 5 out of 55 (9.1%) did not intend to. Conclusion: A significant proportion (36.7%) of the participants in the study had not yet come out or were uncertain about doing so. Providing psychological support and counseling for the LGBT community is crucial to help them feel more confident in their present and future lives

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Nguyễn Thị Kim Ngân, An Thanh Ly, Thực trạng phân biệt đối xử dựa trên khác biệt xu hướng tính dục tại nơi làm việc đối với người đồng tính, song tính và chuyển giới ở khu công nghiệp, Tạp chí y học cộng đồng, số 4 (51) – Tháng 07-908/2019.
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7. Eisenberg, Marla E., Gower, Amy L., Río-González, Ana María del, Nic Rider, G., Bowleg, Lisa, Russell, Stephen T. Interpersonal Protective Factors for LGBTQ+ Youth at Multiple Intersecting Social Identities and Positions, Annals of LGBTQ Public and Population Health, Jun 2023, DOI: 10.1891/LGBTQ-2022-0027.