Huyền Linh Hồ1, Xuân Uyên Trần1, Lý Vy Trịnh1, Khả Linh Trần1, Bùi Hoàng Thảo Trần1, Thị Ngọc Nga Phạm1,, Quang Minh Huỳnh2
1 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy
2 Can Tho City General Hospital

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Background: In the world, there have been many studies on the correlation between indirect methods of LDL-cholesterol quantification with direct. Objectives: To investigate the correlation between LDL-C concentration calculated by indirect formula (Friedewald's formula and de Cordova's formula) with direct quantitative method in fat testers at the hospital. Can Tho city department, 2022. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional, retrospective descriptive study on 3700 blood samples of patients with indications for cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL-c and LDL-c tests. Cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL-c and LDL-c concentrations were directly quantified, and LDL-C concentrations were estimated using the Friedewald and de Cordova formula. Results: The difference in mean LDL-C concentration between the indirect methods of Friedewald and de Cordova and the direct method (2.45±0.96mmol/L) was 2,421,16mmol/L and 2,070,92mmol/L. The correlation coefficient of Friedewald's indirect method was r=0.76 (p<0.01) and de Cordova was r=0.912 (p<0.01) compared with the direct method, indicating a strong, positive correlation. The linear regression equation between the indirect method Friedewald and de Cordova with the direct method was y=0.188x+0.903 and y=0.432x+0.876, respectively. Conclusion: Quantitative LDL-C concentration between the two indirect methods had a low difference compared with the direct method. There was a strong, positive correlation between the indirect method Friedewald and de Cordova and the direct method.

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