Phương Anh Đặng1,, Bá Ngọc Lê1, Khoa Diệu Vân Nguyễn1,2
2 Bach Mai Hospital

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Aims: To investigate patient characteristics, and some related factors in recurrent Basedow’s disease after antithyroid drugs. Methods:A prospective cross-sectional study groups of Basedow patients who received enough drug treatment regimen, are prescribed by the doctor to stop the drug and relapse after that, visit the Outpatient Deparment of Bach Mai Hospital from October 2022 to June 2023. Results: The mean age of the study group is 40,3 ± 12,025 years old. The female: male ratio in the group of patients with relapse is 4,5 : 1. The mean duration of disease is 79,27± 49,2 months, of treatment is 24,51± 7,06 months, of disease recurrence is 20,61 ± 17,92 months. There are 72,3% of patients treated with Imidazol drug. The clinical symptoms of the group of patients with relapse were similar to the newly Graves patients. The mean thyroid volume of the group of relapsed patients was 41.55 ± 24.34, the mean TRAb concentration was 11.23 ± 5.92 higher than the control group. Patients with relapse have a higher rate of smoking (69.7%), stress (75.8%) or using drugs or foods containing a lot of iodine (18.2%), a higher rate of adherence to treatment lower than the control group. Conclusion: Recurrent Basedow patients are relationship with gene, age, and some factors related to disease recurrence: Adherence to treatment, smoking, stress, use of foods or medicines containing a lot of iode

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