Thị Hậu Phùng , Quang Dũng Nguyễn

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A cross-sectional study was conducted on 60 patients treated at the emergency department - Son Tay general hospital in 2022 with the aim at describing the nutritional status and feeding practice of patients. Using adjusted Nutric score, NRS-2002, BMI and subclinical indicators to evaluate the risk of malnutrition. The results show that the prevalence of malnutrition risk according to the NRS-2002 scale was 88.4%; According to BMI, 33.3% of patients was malnourished and 6.7% were overweight and obese; According to the adjusted Nutric score, the prevalence of malnutrition risk was 26.7%. Patients were fed mainly with a combination of tube feeding and intravenous infusion, accounting for 38.3%. The prevalence of patients receiving enteral nutrition within the first 48 hours after admission was 71.7%. Patients treated at the emergency department are at high risk of malnutrition, so timely screening, assessment and nutritional intervention are needed.

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