Hồng Vân Vũ , Thị Hồng Hậu Nguyễn , Đình Thọ Phạm , Ngọc Quyền Nguyễn

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Objectives: To evaluate the efficacy of low-level laser He-Ne therapy in treatment of surgical wound after spinal surgery. Subjects and methods: descriptive, prospective study was done on 150 patient who underwent lumbar spinal surgery and given antibiotic prophylaxis during 24 hours after operation in combination with laser He-Ne therapy for treatment of surgical wound from 1st day post-operation to discharge. Surgical wound pain was assessed by VAS score at point of before and after using laser He-Ne therapy at the 1st day post-operation; patient satisfaction was evaluated by 5-point Liker scale; the surgical wound was followed-up for 3 months after surgery and the infected wound was noted. Results: the VAS of surgical wound pain was 6.0 ± 1.1 before which reduced to 2.7 ± 0.9 after using laser He-Ne therapy; patient satisfaction was 4.4 ± 0.5 according to 5-point Liker scale. Conclusions: The effects of low-level laser He-Ne therapy in treatment of surgical wound after lumbar spine surgery included the reduction of surgical wound pain, the prevention of surgical site infection, and increasing patients’ satisfaction.

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