Thị Như Luyến Vũ , Thị Hồng Hanh Lê

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Background: Moraxella catarrhalis is an aerobic Gram – negative diplococcus, is one of the bacterial pathogens caused children pneumonia. Objective: This study aimed to investigate the clinical, paraclinical characteristics and antibiotic resistance of M. catarrhalis isolates obtained from children with pneumonia in central Children’s Hospital. Methods: Cross – sectional study. Results: From May,2022 to July, 2023 there are 146 childrens aged under 18 years old diagnosed pneumonia. Median age was 20,3 months, the most common is from 12 months to 60 months, Male accounts for 53,4%, 85,6% of children have pneumonia, 12,3% of children have severe pneumonia, 2,1% of children have very severe pneumonia. The most commom clinical symptoms were cough (100%), fever (72%), tachypnae (56,8%), pulmonary rales (84,2%), wheering (47,3%), 30,3% of patients with white blood cell increased, 65,8% of patients with CRP increased. Radiographs had parahilar lung, next to the heart infiltrates (64,4%). M. catarrhalis is resistance to Ampicillin and Amoxicillin (100%), Cefuroxime (62,3%), is senstive to Amoxicillin/Clavulanic acid (96,6%), Azithromycin (80%), Erythromycin (23,3%), Cefotaxim (35,6%), Ceftriaxone (54,8%).

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