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Long-viral cough is the term used when a cough continues more than 3 weeks past viral illness. A persistent cough can be part of an inflammatory response. But Covid not only the  reason to be chronic cough, if the upper airways (nasal passages and sinuses) stay inflamed, the fluid produced drips down the back of your throat causing a “post-nasal drip”, if the lungs and lower airways are affected, coughing is the body’s way of trying to clear the fluid and swelling it senses there, GERS is also the common reason. Objective: Possible causes of cough in patients after Covid 19. Subject anh method: 1875 patients with a history of Covid infection for more than 4 week.Result anh conclusion: Asthma: 91 (4.85%), COPD 139(7.41%), Allergic rhinitis: 239(12.75%), Reflux: 477(25.44%) Due to lung causes: tuberculosis,  pneumonia, bronchiectasis, fungus, tumors account for 263 (14.03%) due to upper respiratory tract Proportion of patients with persistant cough after Covid 19 inflammation: 97 (5.17%). Persistent  cough due to  long covid : 373 (19.89%)

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1. Deependra K. Rai, Priya Sharma, Saurabh Karmakar, Somesh Thakur, Ameet H, Rajesh Yadav, Vatsal B. Gupta Approach to post COVID 19 persistent cough: A narrative review PMC 3/4/2023 PMID: 37006099
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8. Woo-Jung Song, Christopher K M Hui, James H Hull, Surinder S Birring, Lorcan McGarvey, Stuart B Mazzone, Kian Fan Chung. Confronting COVID-19-associated cough and the post-COVID syndrome: role of viral neurotropism, neuroinflammation, and neuroimmune responses. The Lancet respiratory medicine (May 2021) volume 9, issue 5, P533-534, May 2021.