Dương Tùng Anh, Nguyễn Hoàng Long

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Objective: The aims of the study is to describe the characteristics of clinical, imaging and evaluate results of minimally invasive surgery transfomiranla lumbar interbody fusion to treatment lumbar spondylolisthesis. Study method: Across- sectional descriptive, retrospective, prospective method was carried out on 41 patients was diagnosed with benign lumbar spondylolisthesis who was indicated to minimally invasive surgery transfomiranal lumbar interbody fusion in Spine Surgery Department in Viet Duc Hospital. Result: The average age 47,6±12,4; ratio female/male 1,4; common cause is par defect 29,3% and degenerative 63,4%; most common level is L4 56%, L5 36,6%; patients had symptom include back pain 100%, radicupathy 78%, paraesthesia 51,2%, neurologic claudication 65,9%; preoperative VAS back, leg is 6,4±0,9 and 5,4±2,3; ODI 24±8,1%, percent of spondylolisthesis increase on dynamic X-ray imaging was 3,9±2,5% (p<0,001); the average surgery time 140±35mins; the average blood loss 270±110ml; no complication; the average time in hospital stay 6±2,1days; the postoperative average time to go 2,4±0,7; the different preoperative VAS and spondylolisthesis grade versus postoperative has statistical significance (p<0,001); 100% screws and graphs positions was right; preoperative interbody height versus postoperative was 2,9±0,15mm, 5±1mm and the different has statistical significance  (p<0,001), 18 months postoperativefollow-up of Macnab: Very good 12,2%; Good 74,4%; Fair 7,4%. Conclusion: Lumbar spondylolisthesis disease is common in middle-age, cause by par defect and degenerative, symptom include back pain, radicupathy, paraesthesia, patients who underwent minimally invasive surgery was decreased blood loss, time in hospital, complication and come back daily life soon.

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