Phước Chánh Vương , Hồng Lân Trịnh , Văn Trầm Tạ

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Problem: Medical staff working in an X-ray radiation environment, due to the nature of their work, they have to be regularly exposed to this type of radiation, the risk of disease caused by X-ray radiation is much higher. Objective: describe the current status of radiation safety management in X-ray rooms of public health facilities in Tay Ninh province, 2023. Methods: descriptive cross-sectional study conducted on 13 X-ray rooms X-ray at public medical facilities in Tay Ninh province from October 2022 to June 2023. Results: the criteria for evaluating radiation safety compliance of 13 X-ray rooms reached a fairly high rate of 84.6%. The rate of control rooms meeting allowed standards is 84.6%; Film processing at X-ray facilities meets 100% standards; has X-ray equipment to ensure 84.6% radiation safety; compliance with record keeping regulations was 92.3%; has an annual radiation dose rate measurement result of 84.6%; having labor protection equipment reached 84.6%; sending employees to radiation safety training reached 84.6%; Periodic health checks for employees reached 92.3%. Conclusion: Radiation safety management in X-ray rooms of public medical facilities in Tay Ninh province achieved a high rate.

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