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Background: Pre-eclampsia is a multisystem disorder affecting 2%-5% of pregnancies and is associated with multiple maternal and fetal complication. These effects an be altered through predictive models and early disease prevention, will improve pregnancy outcomes. Objective: to investigate the prevalence and relative factors of screen positive pre-eclampsia among pregnancies from Thai Hoa Hospital. Methods: Cross-section study of 230 pregnant women from 11 to 13 weeks 6 days of gestation who have antenatal care at Thai Hoa hospital, Đong Thap from October 2020 to April 2021. All pregnancies have measured value of mean arterial pressure, mean uterine artery PI and. serum PAPP-A was converted into MoM. Model-based estimates of screening performance using Bayes’ theorem which the cut off points is 1/100. Result: Survey of 230 samples has found that rate of screen positive pre-eclampsia is 11.6%. Factors related to screen positive pre-eclampsia were statistically significant such as: systolic blood pressure >128mmHg in the first trimester in the first trimester (PR=7.4; CI 95%: 1.6-34.2) and diastolic pressure > 79 mm Hg (PR=8.5; CI 95%: 2.6- 28.4) Conclusion: routine pre-eclampsia risk screening by FMF Bayes algorithm for all pregnance who come to the clinic at 11 -13 weeks and 6 days of gestation, from which a management plan and daily prophylaxis with low-dose aspirin beginning after the first trimester.
Article Details
Pre-eclampsia, mean arterial pressure, mean uterine artery PI (UtA)
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