Cát Đông Trần , Mạnh Hùng Phạm , Việt Anh Hoàng , Minh Trạng Bùi , Chí Thanh Nguyễn, Ngọc Yến Nhi Võ, Thị Thu Thủy Nguyễn

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Non-valvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF) has been increasing prevalence, and NVAF is associated with a high risk of stroke. The total annual cost of NVAF treatment is quite high in the group of cardiovascular diseases, in the US it is estimated that the cost of NVAF treatment is about $6.65 billion. This poses a challenge to the health care systems of countries. Currently, in Vietnam, there is no research on cost analysis related to NVAF. Therefore, the study conducted an analysis of direct medical costs in the treatment of non-valvular atrial fibrillation, at the Heart Institute of Ho Chi Minh City and the Institute of Cardiology - Bach Mai Hospital, Hanoi in the period of 2019-2022 to provide an overview of the direct medical costs of treating NVAF. The survey results on 134 patients with 147 inpatient sessions showed that the average cost of an NVAF inpatient treatment session was 8,945,257 VND (95% CI: 6,594,417–11,296,096 VND), the cost of drugs and infusions accounts for the highest proportion. Health insurance pays a high rate, accounting for 72.93% of total treatment costs. The factors of residence, comorbidities with hypertension (H), diabetes mellitus (DM), place of treatment and number of days of treatment (DT) are related to the cost of inpatient treatment of NVAF patients. The multivariable regression equation has the form: (LogCP) = 0.067*"DT" + 0.178*"DM" + 0.146*"U" + 0.083*"H" + 6.176, with adjusted R2 = 0.632; p < 0.050 (U: urban).

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