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Objective: To survey the clinical characteristics of the patients after their surgery for lumbar disc herniation at the Main Hospital of Acupuncture. Subjects: 60 patients after a surgery for lumbar disc herniation. Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study. Results: The proportion of men and women with the disease was the same, whose occupation was mainly heavy labor (66.7%), and the duration of the disease was over 3 months, accounting for 68.3%. The patients with disc herniation at L4-L5 and L5-S1 positions was predominant, and one-level disc herniation was common. The spinal syndrome: loss of physiological curve (70%), paravertebral muscle spasticity (95%), and limited lumbar spine movement (100%); Nerve root syndrome: Lasègue sign (+) (95%), Valleix pain point (+) (91.67%), radicular sensory disorder (83.33%). Open surgery accounts for a high rate of 50%. The average surgery time was 66.25 minutes.
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