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Objectives: Describe the clinical characteristics of supratentorial cerebral hemisphere tumors undergoing brain biopsy at Military Hospital 103. Subjects and methods: The study was conducted on 30 patients diagnosed with supratentorial cerebral hemisphere tumors with biopsy indications at the Department of Neurosurgery - Military Hospital 103 from January 2020 to December /2022. Evaluation of clinical characteristics of brain tumor patients. Results: Patients were mainly hospitalized for the main reason of headache, accounting for 46.7%; most of the patients had early onset of the disease. Headache is the most common symptom of patients in the study, accounting for 70%; hemiplegia also accounts for a high rate of 40%, and epilepsy accounts for 30%. Most patients come to the hospital in a conscious state with high Glasgow and Karnofski scores. Conclusion: Patients with supratentorial cerebral hemisphere tumors often have an early onset of the disease, with the main symptoms being headache, hemiplegia, and epilepsy. The patient's physical condition and consciousness at admission were still good.
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