Đinh Ánh Mai, Phạm Hoài Thu

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Objective: To assess the effectiveness of Platelet rich plasma injection using Tropocell kit in treament of lateral epicondylitis and evaluate the side effects of this therapy after 12 weeks of follow – up. Methods: A randomized controlled interventional study were followed up to 12 weeks in 47 patients with lateral epicodynlitis, divided into two groups: 24 patients received injection of Platelet rich plasma used Tropocell kit with 3 consecutive dose in 3 weeks interval, 23 patients were recieved a single injection of Depo – medrol. Results: After 12 weeks, there was an improvement in the VAS, QDASH and PRTEE score in research group: the average VAS decreased from 7.17 to 1.42, the average QDASH score decreased from 74.15  to 28.44  and the average PRTEE score decreased from 59.35  to 13.75, (p < 0.05). Side effects were increasing pain in 3 days:  12.5% in to the PRP group and 17.4% in the Depo – medrol injection group (p > 0.05) and there was no serious complication in both groups.Conclusion: Platelet rich plasma therapy is more effective than Depo – medrol injection in treatment of lateral epicodylitis. This is a safe therapy.

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