Thị Kim Nhung Tạ , Thị Thanh Xuân Lê, Ngọc Anh Nguyễn , Thanh Thảo Nguyễn , Thị Mai Hương Phan , Quốc Doanh Nguyễn , Xuân Phúc Nguyễn, Ngọc Thanh Ngô

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Objective: To describe the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the life and work of healthcare workers in some hospitals in Hanoi, 2021 and some related factors. Research subjects and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted on 411 healthcare workers at Thanh Nhan Hospital and Dong Da General Hospital according to a pre-designed toolkit. Results: The two factors "Stigma and stress related to COVID-19" and "Increased workload due to COVID-19" reflected the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on the life and work of healthcare workers at Dong Da and Thanh Nhan hospitals. The average scores of the two factors "Stigma and stress related to COVID-19" and "Increased workload due to COVID-19" were 2.8 and 3.6 points, respectively. HCWs with postgraduate degrees were less likely to experience “Stigma and stress related to COVID-19” and “Increased workload due to COVID-19” than other groups of healthcare workers. Healthcare workers who are nurses are at a lower risk of “Stigma and stress related to COVID-19” than healthcare workers who were doctors. Female health workers who were not on duty to combat the epidemic are at a lower risk of "Increased workload related to COVID-19" than other groups of health workers. Conclusion: There needs to be specific measures to reduce the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on the lives and work of health workers.

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