Xuân Loan Kim , Văn Dũng Đỗ , Ý Lan Võ , Thị Cảnh Đỗ , Xuân Dũng Phạm

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Introduction: Individuals employ either adaptive or maladaptive coping strategies with differing levels of effectiveness in managing the stress related to their ill-ness. Following the study on Briefcope translation and the assessment of the content validity and internal reliability of the BriefCOPE scale among Vietnamese breast cancer patients, which was also performed by the same author. Subsequently, an exploratory factor analysis of a 28-item Brief-cope scale was carried out at the Oncology Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City. Objective: To conduct an EFA aiming to evaluate the fundamental structure of coping strategies in breast cancer patients using Carver's 28-item BriefCOPE scale. Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 378 breast cancer patients who met the study criteria, using stratified sampling by department, and participants were assessed using the 28-item BriefCOPE scale of Carver. After considering all criteria such as KMO (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin) adequacy, Bartlett's test, the matrix, multicollinearity, and Cronbach's Alpha reliability coefficient, exploratory factor analysis was performed using principal component analysis and Promax rotation with Kaiser normalization. Additionally, parallel analysis with a scree plot was utilized to determine the number of factors to be extracted. Results: A 9-factor model with 28 items, without excluding any items, was extracted. Factor 1 included 8 items related to planning, positive coping, active coping, and acceptance. Factor 2 comprised 4 items related to emotional support and instrumental support. Factor 3 contained 2 items related to venting. Factor 4 included 2 items related to behavioral disengagement. Factor 5 included 2 items related to religion. Factor 6 had 2 items related to denial. Factor 7 contained 2 items related to self-blame. Factor 8 had 4 items related to self-distraction and humor. Factor 9 included 2 items related to substance use.

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