Trung Tuyên Nguyễn, Thanh Hiền Lại , Thị Lụa Trịnh , Quang Vinh Nguyễn, Minh Hiếu Bùi

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Insomnia is a sleeping disorder characterized by the inability to fall asleep and or the inability to remain asleep for a reasonable amount of time. The response rate for sleep disorder in cancer patients was 30-70%. Prior research suggests qigong may improve this outcome. Methods,we conduted a clinical trial of Nguyen Van Huong’s four-phase breathing qigong therapy in 51 cancer patients with insomnia. Result, All patients improved the inability to fall asleep and or the inability to remain asleep, post - sleep refreshment, sleep efficiency (65,75 ± 17,59% vs 53,01 ± 20,51%), increased sleep duration (5,44 ± 1,51 vs 4,31 ± 1,62), decreased fatigue rate (17,6% vs 86,3%) and total ISI scale decreased by 5,64 points (18,01±3,68 vs 23,65±3,89). Conclusions: Nguyen Van Huong’s four-phase breathing qigong therapy is a potential method to support the treatment of insomnia and improve quality of life in cancer patients.

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