Văn Huệ Phùng , Huy Hiền Hào Phạm , Văn Hải Nguyễn, Thị Xuân Nhi Đinh

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Objectives: Clinical and subclinical characteristics of pregnant women with cesarean section at hospital 198. Subjects and methods: All pregnant women with once previous cesarean section admitted at hospital 198 have had indication to trial of labor from 2018 to 2022. Results: The age distribution of the research subjects was mostly in the reproductive age range from 20 - 35 years old, accounting for 95.5% with an average age of 30.04 ± 3.1 years. Pregnant women who started monitoring for normal birth accounted for the highest rate in the gestational age group <35 weeks, accounting for 78.9%. Pregnant women admitted to the hospital with cervix dilated 2-3cm accounted for the highest rate of 45.1%, with 46.6% of uterine contractions reaching frequency 1-2. Distance between previous cesarean section and this pregnancy: The majority is > 36 months, accounting for 51.2%. Average: 46.12± 18.75 months, lowest is 12 months. Fetal weight of 3000-3700 grams accounts for the highest rate of 59.4%. The average BMI of the study subjects was 24.82 ± 2.7, the highest being 32.46. Conclusion: Pregnant women with once previous cesarean section can follow up vaginal delivery if eligible. The first-time surgeon is the best consultant for choosing a method of giving birth for the pregnant woman for the next time.

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