Hữu Thắng Nguyễn, Bích Hiệp Nông

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The study was conducted to evaluate tuberculosis prevention activities in Son La during the COVID-19 epidemic in 2020 - 2022. The cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted in Son La province from April 2022 to June 2022. 2023. Research results show that the average rate of new tuberculosis cases is equal to the average prevalence rate of Son La province, which is 27/100,000 people. The proportion of people with pulmonary tuberculosis is predominant, accounting for a significantly higher proportion than those with extrapulmonary tuberculosis. The proportion of tuberculosis patients managed is mainly new tuberculosis patients (>98%). The rate of patients cured and completed is high, ranging from 88.75% - 95.40%. Although COVID-19 has caused significant disruptions in tuberculosis prevention, we still try to maintain tuberculosis prevention work with good results.

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