Văn Đối Vỳ , Việt Nam Nguyễn, Chiến Trần, Quang Trường Nhâm

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Objective: Results of double nerve transfer to restore elbow flexion in upper brachial plexus paisies at 108 military central hospital. Subjects and Method: Cross-sectional descriptive study. A study of 21 patients were injured in upper brachial plexus, have been treated with double nerve transfer at 108 Military central hospital from 06/2018 to 06/2023. Results: All patients had MRC grade 0 (M0) elbow flexion strength before operation. Elbow flexion recovery's average was 134,3 ± 6,9° (100% score M4), could lift 9,3 ± 1,6 kg, very good  and good results: 100%. No motor or sensory deficits related to the ulnar or median nerves were noted and all patients maintained good hand function. Conclusions: The primarily results of this technique showed a good percentage of success and the strength of elbow flexion had an excellent result in a favorable duration, without sequelae.

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